Pharmacy Umanico pharma

Since 2004, Umanico has been the authority in the placement of pharmacists and PTAs.


Since 2004, Umanico has been the authority in the placement of pharmacists and PTAs in Québec. What distinguishes us is the personalized support we provide each candidate and business that puts their trust in us. By choosing Umanico for the placement of human resources in the pharmacy sector, you have access to an intuitive platform that enables autonomous, interactive and real-time management of the process, thanks to our customer service support and a 24-hour emergency hotline.

Our turnkey offering is simple and effective:

  • Complete hiring process (interviews, evaluations, and gathering of references)
  • Validation of the code of ethics
  • End-of-mandate assessment
  • Management of employees (payroll management and government remittances; disciplinary management)

Available Positions